
A VPN is an essential component of IT security, whether you’re just starting a business or are already up and running. Most business interactions and transactions happen online and VPN

I always wanted to be useful for others in whatever i do, and had never thought about myself first. I credit this thought process of mine to my great mother, from whom i learnt this art of being philanthropic in the mind and once i started earning, to share the same in a small way. To me it is always seeing others like my family, be it good or tough times for them.
I am still the same after all these years of existence in life as a whole and close to 36 years in the corporate world. I am just closing on my official career in another 5 months and 23 days. Just getting bit worried whether this passion which was in strong display, would continue , as i do have this constraint on few things. Will do my best to stay on , continue to contribute to others development first, and very fortunate here to think that being a behavioral trainer , i get this chance to move forward in my endeavor for development in others ( i did not want to use the word transformation), even though it will happen, in people for whom i will be doing these trainings.